Endless Engines

At the beginning of February, Corridor Digital’s Clint Jones hosted his Endless Engines Community Challenge, a collective project to which thousands of artists submitted a five-second animation. This was my contribution.

February 2023


This was my first major animation project since graduation, taking probably three or so weeks in mid-February. The restrictions of the project were the camera angle, length, and that it had to be some kind of vehicle. I’ve recently been exploring my interests in eldritch and horror (and of course my fascination with eye imagery), so before long I landed on this scene.

I also wanted to make sure nothing felt too sleek or urban so I modeled the tunnel based on a set of tunnels in rural Pennslyvania and the vehicle is modeled on a Ford Fairmont, a make of car that hasn’t been manufactured in 40 years.

I had a couple of issues with the creature in pursuit. First I worked on a design inspired the chilling art of Trevor Henderson, but ended up with a large mouth that didn’t look quite right and wouldn’t fit properly inside a tunnel so I changed things up. I actually figured out what I wanted for the creature by modifying a picture of a beetle larva (seen below). Though the stipulations of the collaborative project did not restrict assets to those created by the participant, I am glad that I did, not only did my hard surface modeling develop in leaps and bounds, but it was also just a greatly enjoyable experience.


Tunnel Scene before textures and atmospheric fog

Version one of the creature looking incredibly goofy

Edited picture of a grub workshopping the look